Ein Verein für Menschen mit Schwerhörigkeit

To Loop or not to Loop
Advanced Technology Induction Loop Systems for Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Paper presented at the 6th International Congress of Hard of Hearing People in Sydney, Australia, July 4, 2000 and at the 19th International Congress on Education of the Deaf and 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness in Sydney, Australia, July 13, 2000, revised version.
by Rev. Siegfried Karg, B.D., Th.M., former President Hard of Hearing Association of Winterthur
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Only quality controlled induction loops are fit for the future
Only quality controlled induction loops are fit for the future. The new international standard IEC 60118-4 for Audio-Frequency Induction Loop Systems
Power Point Presentation at the 20th International Congress on the Education of the Deaf ICED 2005 in Maastricht / The Netherlands, July 18, 2005.
by Siegfried Karg, Vice President European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH)
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